Garden decoration

Griendhout is a beautiful natural product that is ideal for use in the garden! A good example are natural willow fences: a beautiful and environmentally friendly alternative to 'standard' fence parts.

At one with your garden, yet a real eye-catcher. Our natural willow fences can be used in any garden and are an ideal alternative for those who are not looking for a 'dime a dozen' boundary fence. A sturdy skeleton of wooden posts and a wickerwork of bleed slats creates a tasteful and environmentally friendly fence. The Schaikmate can also be applied here. We also sell willow mats; These have a standard size of 3 meters long and 1.80 meters high and can be used if you already have an existing frame. These mats are packaged as a roll.

You can also collect all the materials to weave a willow fence (or vegetable garden boxes, for example) from us. We offer a regularly changing range; feel free to ask about the options and availability. We can also give you tips and explanations about how to install a fence.

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